Consonants: Consonants are all of the letters that are not vowels.
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Globe: A globe is very useful for teaching geography.
Paper: Heavier paper is needed for printing the flashcards.
Printers: The worksheets should be printed in color.
The flashcards should be printed in color and double sided, flipping on long edge.
Recasting: When a child mispronounces a word, repeating the word corectly is called "recasting".
Syllable: A syllable is a vowel sound plus the consonants that go with it.
Vocabulary: Developing a good vocabulary is essential for reading.
If the student doesn't know the word, they will not be able to sound it out, and they will not understand the text.
Voiced vs. Unvoiced Sounds: A voiced sound causes a vibration in your vocal cords, and a push of air from your mouth.
Vowels: The vowels are A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y.